Pisces is born between February 19 – March 20
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac and well known for being represented by a fish. Because it is the final sign in the Zodiac this sign brings together many of the characteristics of the previous signs. Read on to find out more about Pisceans in detail, what they like, their weaknesses, strengths, habits, desires and dreams and most importantly, what they are like in love and how to attract a Pisces to you to be your partner!
Symbol: The Fish
Twelfth Sign of Zodiac
Key Phrase: I believe
The Mystic
Duality: Feminine
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Flowers: White Poppy, water lily and jonquil
Trees: Willow and fig
Part of the body ruled by Pisces: The feet
Ruling Planet: Neptune (The ancient god of the sea, Neptune, is the second of the modern planets discovered in 1846. In astrology, Neptune represents glamor, mystery, deception and illusion.)
Day: Thursday
Theme: Mysticism
Tarot Card: The Moon
Strengths and Weaknesses of Pisces
Positive Qualities: Poetic, mystical, intuitive, receptive, graceful, imaginative, compassionate, sensitive and romantic
Best Quality: Compassion
Shadow Darker Side (weaknesses): Prone to addiction, escapist, confused, frequent inferior complexes, unrealistic, submissive, indolent, lethargic, self-pitying, lacking boundaries, dependent and codependent
The Pisces zodiac sign is compassionate, intuitive, adaptable, impressionable, emotional and changeable.
Affirmation: “I am at one with the flow of the universe. I attract what I need.”
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Pisces Personality Traits
Pisces, the fish … the natural mystic … is the last sign in the zodiac cycle. The twelfth sign, the mystical realm of Pisces represents the final stage of human evolution. Pisces leads us from the frost of winter into the thaw of spring. A sign of enlightenment and assimilation into the world beyond, Pisces teaches us to transcend the illusion of the material world and unify with the divine. Like the serpent that bites its own tail, an iconic spiritual symbol that defines the endlessness of spiritual life, Pisces signifies a beginning and a middle as much as it marks the end. A mutable water sign, Pisces is emotional and changeable.
Pisces brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven signs that have come before it. It is as much the first sign as it is the last. A complex and complicated archetype, Pisces is a cocktail of all the other signs. The most sensitive and delicate of them all, Pisces teaches about transcending the illusion of the material world and unifying with the divine. The twelfth sign has learned the lessons of each of the other eleven signs, as well as their own. A sign of many talents, the natural mystical Pisceans encompass the talents of all the signs, merging them together into one.
Those born under the sign of the fish know how to let go and go with the flow of life. Pisces swim effortlessly with the current.
The sign of spiritual rebirth, reincarnation and eternity, Pisces marks the end, as well as the beginning of the zodiac wheel. It is symbolized by two fish facing opposite directions yet connected, representing the conflicting emotions that pull a Pisces back and forth, as well as dualism. Pisceans have a strong need for equilibrium and balance in their life.
Pisces-born individuals are old souls, having lived many lives before. Their’s an otherworldly quality to them. A mystical sign of the dreamer and the poet, those born under the twelfth sign are often artists, musicians and writers. Mysterious and elusive, Pisces individuals are between two worlds, one of material existence and the other of more spiritual concerns. A natural intuitive ability, Pisces can see deeply into the human psyche.
More than any other sign, Pisces-born individuals are enormously influenced by their surroundings and by people who touch their lives somehow. They suffer from the chameleon syndrome, which induces them to change their identity according to their surrounding. Pisceans are the shapeshifters of the zodiac. They adapt to the ever-shifting currents around them.
Pisces-born individuals are friendly, affectionate, easy-going and good-natured. Although Pisceans are not leaders, they excel in guiding others as teachers and role models. They have a deep appreciation for the inner qualities of others. The natural mystic of the zodiac, Pisces is sensitive to the feelings of those around them. They can walk into a room and pick up on any vibrations or energies.
Always ready to lend a helping hand, Pisces can often be taken advantage of if they are not careful. It is wise for them to set boundaries and live by them. Patient, kind, gentle, compassionate, sensitive and loving, these natural mystics have an innate desire to assist those in need.
They have the capacity to feel the pain and suffering of others, making the Pisces-born natural healers. Extremely charitable, a Piscean will take the time to listen to a heart that is hurting. The Pisces mystic comforts the weak, and do not prejudge anyone. They have great compassion for all, especially those who are suffering.
Intensely imaginative and addicted to make-believe, Pisceans can often have a difficult time distinguishing fantasy from reality. They find great comfort in an illusory world and will often find the easy way out of difficult situations. Absorbing images, emotions and impressions around them, a Pisces-born individual then filters everything that they have absorbed through a pair of rose-colored glasses. They see things the way they would like them to be. Pisces will follow the path of least resistance. They like a comfortable life, a good life and will desire finances simply to live well. They care little about rank or position.
Pisces is an extremely intuitive sign, known to have strong precognitive powers. They often have psychic visions, especially during sleep while dreaming. If a Pisces tells you that they sense something is about to happen it is a good idea to listen.
Pisceans need positive emotional direction, often through creative expression. Anything creative is a great outlet for their extremely high emotional levels. If Pisces can successfully channel their emotions in a constructive way, other finer qualities, notably charity and humility, will surface.
Negative Personality Traits
A darker side of Pisces is their high susceptibility to drug and alcohol dependencies and addiction. Pisces has a tendency to flee from what they do not want to deal with and this can lead to a world of addictive behavior. At times they try desperately to escape from troubles …
Easily drawn into unpredictable situations and unbalanced people, Pisces is vulnerable to getting taken advantage of or burned if trouble should arise. The twelfth sign of the zodiac must work hard to have inner stability and balance. They are easily led into negativity, laziness, emotional confusion and carelessness.
Pisces in Love and Relationships
In love, Pisces’ charisma comes to the front of their personality. The twelfth sign has a sensitive and deep appreciation for the inner qualities of their lover. Those born from the twelfth sign are happiest when in a loving relationship or involved in a creative project. Eternally romantic, Pisces enjoys the wine and dine and everything in-between when in a relationship. Every part of the Piscean nature is laced with romance.
In the search for the perfect love, a Pisces can easily have several love affairs and marriages before they finally settle down … if they do at all. They may lose their heart many times to the wrong person. A Pisces likes to have a lover by their side. They do not like being alone.
The mysterious and enchanting nature of the Pisces-born is much like an aphrodisiac … attractive and magnetic. Pisceans live in a world of dreams and romance. One way to win the heart of a Pisces is to appeal to their romantic nature. Take them out to the ballet, theatre or an older classic film. Never fall short in the romance department … it is important to them.
Often a Pisces will apologize unnecessarily for themselves in the company of a loved one, as they are inclined to underestimate their charms. If this Piscean tendency bothers you, let them know.
The complicated Pisces is not always straight forward in communication. They have a mysterious way of uncovering the secret’s that lie beneath a persons’ social mask. Their psychic vision sees through the real motives of others.
A Pisces woman needs to feel needed, often finding herself attracted to emotionally handicapped men who she can mother and envelop with compassionate care. The Piscean woman also falls in love with the opposite kind of man, one who is strong, protecting, supportive and capable of cherishing her and giving her firm direction. A Pisces woman will change herself to fit the image that her partner wants.
A Pisces man can be extremely difficult to get to commit. He will often desire to be with one woman, yet conflicting desires make it difficult to find what he is looking for. He may prefer secret affairs and married women early on in his life. Piscean men have an instinct for choosing the wrong woman. Often times the right one chooses him, however. If he ever does settle down, he will need a woman who is grounding, to help keep him balanced. Once he commits himself he will do almost anything for the woman he cares about.
Pisceans must be careful in their approach to emotional relationships. They may find it difficult to cope with the practical aspects of a relationship, especially when married. They can sometimes be overly critical about trivial details when it comes to their partner.
The Pisces-born are extremely loving individuals with great capacity for a close emotionally intimate relationship with their partner. Soulful and compassionate Pisces makes a great lover. They often will follow their heart without question.
Often Pisces will regret getting involved in a relationship years later, after the rose-colored glasses that they wear throughout life begin to lose their ability to focus. When they see their relationship without the glasses, the raw truth … they often feel as though they have made a mistake. Pisces has a penchant for picking the wrong companions and a tendency to flee from what they do not want to deal with. They are prone to alcohol and drug dependency and addiction problems.
Pisces love to help and assist their partner in any way that they can. They are sacrificial to the point of neglecting their own needs and will bend over backwards for their lover … as long as they feel safe and secure emotionally in the relationship. They have a tender and sympathetic understanding for anything and anyone hurting, especially their partner. It will appear as though the Pisces reads the mind and heart of their lover. They feel the pain of those they care about.
It is important that a Pisces receives plenty of encouragement and moral support so that their creative potential can be developed. Reminders and compliments about earlier achievements can work wonders for a Pisces. Considered the most impressionable sign of the zodiac, it is imperative that they surround themselves with those who honor them and treat them well. Pisces-born individuals are thin-skinned and sensitive. Their feelings are easily hurt, so be sure to apologize if you think you may have offended them. Criticism can easily scar the Pisces, especially when made by someone whom they love and are close to. Impressionable Pisces often end up taking on the beliefs, values and habits of their partner over time.
Ruled by Neptune, the planet of mystery and illusion, the Piscean nature has a desire to be swept away by a storybook romance.
Dreamy-eyed Pisces are mystical and mysterious. They have an innate love for the spiritual realms and love to share this passion with their partner. Most Pisceans will be involved in spiritualism or the occult.
Pisceans flow back and forth like water, sometimes warm and sometimes cold. They may withdrawal and if they do, do not take it personally. They will eventually reach out or be receptive to phone calls.
A relationship with a Pisces can be a romance that is easygoing, sensual and full of gestures of love. The ideal match for a Pisces is someone who is a little more grounded than they are, as Pisces is often visiting another realm. As with other areas of Piscean life, love is filled with fantasy and dreaminess.
The Pisces sexual nature is unconventional and they make wonderful lovers. They have a need to lose themselves in the clutches of their lover, uniting in a mystical communion. Extremely sensual, romantic and emotional, lovemaking with the mystic will connect you to deeper parts of yourself and the spiritual nature of life. It is much more than just a physical act. Pisceans are naturals when it comes to spiritual lovemaking. They are a sensuous, understanding and innovative lover who is considerate of their partner and not insistent on getting their own way.
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How to attract a Pisces Lover
If you want to seduce a Pisces, remember that they themselves are naturals when it comes to seduction. Be desirable and they will spin their irresistible web of enchantment on you, hoping to catch your heart. Pisceans are attracted to the arts and music. Strike up a conversation about your favorite band or film. Invite them to attend a concert, art fair or theater production.
To attract a Pisces, engage them in conversation about the occult, spirituality, arts, music or reincarnation. You can also talk to this sign about your problems. They like to help and want to in anyway that they can. Pisceans are great listeners and their sympathy is genuine. By showing vulnerability it demonstrates that you have feelings and can sense the pain of others. Remember though that Pisceans usually prefer partners who are supportive and strong, so touch on your problems but do not give the appearance that you are overwhelmed by them.
Make a Pisces-born laugh and they will connect with you immediately. Compliment them and remember, Pisceans never forget a kindness or thoughtful gesture … so be kind and smile, every time you see them. Help them out if they need you to.
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Pisces Love Sign Combinations
A Pisces has some Sun Signs that they get along better with than others, although it is important to consider that the Sun Sign is only a small portion of the imprint that stars make on an individual. Just because a Sun Sign match is challenging, difficult or unlikely does not mean it is impossible. In reality, there is no 100% typical Pisces relationship, as every Pisces is slightly different. The positions of Venus, Mars, Neptune, and all the other planets at the time of birth all influence personality.
The most compatible signs with Pisces are generally considered to be Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.
Famous Sun Signs in Pisces
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Eva Mendes
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Rihanna
- Kurt Cobain
- Dr. Seuss
- Albert Einstein

Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

Signs a Pisces Man is Falling In Love With You

How To Attract A Pisces?

Pisces in love – Horoscope Sign Compatibility