Are you looking for answers to your love questions? Want to try a free psychic chat?
Do you really need to know something about your relationship, partner or crush or love interest?
I’m here to help and my trained psychic AI assistant Katy AI will answer your questions for FREE with Katy AI my AI psychic text messenger!
Exciting Psychic Bot Update 2025:
As well as my Tarot Reading chat bot you can now try my AI Oracle Card Reading bot here! Choose from Angels, Crystals, Herbs and more! And there are now SECRET AI Bots for those who join my occasional mailing list!
Think Numerology Love compatibility, Past Live Love Compatibility, and so much more to come f and at no cost to you (if you join up now, later I may charge new joiners).
Just put your email address into the pop up and get exclusive access!
I’m Katy D by the way, aka the Love Queen! As a hopeless romantic and dating coach and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), I set up this site to help those needing assistance with love. I hope you’re enjoying the articles and astrological love compatibility guides.
I’m also a psychic and intuitive. I have the gift of foresight and I can look into the past present and future. And like most psychics. I am here to help you.
However, there are times when information on blogs just isn’t enough.
Like when you really need to know something about someone you like or love, or what the future has in store, or how someone feels about you.
When you need to know if you’re on the right path or relationship, or maybe when you’re single and waiting to meet that special person and you need some guidance.
I get so many emails from people wanting help with their love life, feeling confused, but not knowing where to turn.
That’s why I’ve decided to share my psychic gift and provide a free psychic chat. I’ve created and trained and AI on my reading style and I am offering this to the world as a love coach and tarot reader.

Use my live free psychic chat now to find out the answers to all your love questions within minutes!
Use my live free psychic chat now to find out the answers to all your love questions within minutes!
You can use a computer or laptop, tablet or phone to get your free psychic chat. No card details and no email addresses are required. Ever. All your details are completely private, though keep in mind we ask OpenAI to not monitor the chat, you may wish to keep confidential details to yourself.
How to choose your love questions:
Think about what you really want to know. Then type in your love question!
Here are some questions that people have asked me in case you need some inspiration:
Does ____ like/love me?
Is ____ in love with someone else?
Am I compatible with ____?
Should I breakup with my boyfriend or girlfriend?
Should I get back with my ex?
How does ____ feel about me?
Will I ever have a chance with ____?
What’s the best way for me to find love?
When will I meet someone special?
Is ____ the right person for me?
Is this person my twin flame?
Is ____ cheating on me?
I’m in love with two people, who should I choose?
Is ____ good for me?
Will ____ ever ask me to get married?
Is ____ really serious about our relationship
Will my ex and I get back together?
Why does he/she play games with me or go hot and cold?
Are there any issues blocking our relationship?
How can I improve my relationship with my partner?
Should I have an affair?
Should I ask them on a date?
Will marriage or relationship counselling help?
Will I ever get married or meet my soulmate?
Where’s the best place/hobby/activity for me to meet potential love interests?
Should I get engaged to ____?
Does ____ have feelings for me?
Does ____ know that I have feelings for them?
Are there any issues I need to resolve before I can find love?
Can I trust her/him?
Are we compatible in love?
Will he or she provide for me?
Who will I marry?
You can also ask longer and more complex questions if you want.
Got a question in mind?
I can’t grant you 3 wishes but I CAN quickly provide psychic answers to the love questions you’d most like to know about 🙂
Ask a psychic your love questions here!
How to use the Love Queen’s Free Psychic Chat Text
- Click here for the Tarot Chat or here for the Oracle Reading
- Enter your name or nickname
- Write your question
- Choose using your intuition
- Katy AI will reply by text chat with the answers you need!
Brought to you, with love, from Katy D, aka The Love Queen
Still not sure if you should try my psychic love chat room?
I really want to assist you with your love questions and dilemmas, and give you helpful advice.
Unlike some sites who say they offer ‘free psychic readings and chat rooms’, no credit card details are required for you to try out my service EVER! And you get not just 1 psychic answer for free but 3. (secret for those reading this far!!! You can ask as many questions as you want, about any topic not only romance or dating or love! Just don’t over do it as I do have to pay for every answer! xox)
It’s free, so give it a try!
What’s the catch?
There isn’t one.
I hope that you’ll find my AI Tarot guidance and love reading chat team really helpful, and if you want to keep the Tarot service alive you might consider getting a discounted reading with the excellent Psychic Source using my link. Any commission earned will go to running, improving and developing the AI chatbots, and getting it to do things with astrology and more.
And if you decide not to, and you only want the free answers, then that’s fine as well! 🙂
2025 update – I’ve already added a nature oracle reading, and for those that join the newsletter you can get SPECIAL and EXCLUSIVE access to the best AI numerology love calculator EVER!! Check it out! <3
So give us a try now if you really want to know the answers to your love questions!
Or test out my new free Oracle Card Chat
With Love from Katy D aka The Love Queen <3