Signs A Libra Man is Falling In Love With You

Libras are highly charismatic individuals who are sociable, kind, and friendly. They are easy to get along with and are fun to be around. They are also smart and introspective. At times they can be philosophical and be deep in thought. But at times he can be judgmental and insensitive.

What Is A Libra Like?

The Libra or the Sign of the Scales is a balanced individual who is always deep in thought. He is a thinking man who immerses himself in introspection and self-reflection. He likes to think and analyze things and makes sense of what is going on around him. Libras are born smart and clever. They know how to solve problems and find solutions.

And because he is highly introspective, Libras can be very deliberate. He wants perfection and balance. He tries to find symmetry in things in order for them to fit into his perfect world. Libras can be obsessive-compulsive and can push people around in order for him to find harmony and balance. He may reprimand those who do not follow his sense of order.

On the other hand, because he is such a balanced individual, Libras are very friendly and charming. They tend to be accepting of all sorts of individuals. They see that people can be different and befriending many people can help him find his own balance in life and society.

Libras are charismatic people who laugh a lot and enjoy the company of others. He dislikes arguments so he will find ways to moderate them and bring about peace. He likes to be chill and be relaxed and being with friends that he likes brings that.

People of this sign are also keen on the finer things in life. He likes good food, wine, great clothes, nice hobbies, and traveling. He feels most at ease when he is experiencing the finer things in life. Camping or hotel stays? A Libra will go for the hotel stay definitely.

Ugliness and discord have no room in a Libra’s world. He likes pretty places and fine things. He likes to look good and have a nice abode. He dislikes anything that is distasteful and will never allow nefariousness in his world. Balance and harmony are synonymous with beauty so he strives to have the latter.

Libras are also into being in the whole concept of being in love. For him, love should be a fairy tale. He wants the candles and the romance. He likes the courtship better than the nitty-gritty of the relationship itself. The spark should always be there. At times, a Libra may stay in a relationship only because he feels that he doesn’t like to rock the boat because he likes harmony. He is in love with the concept of love and adores romance and sweetness.

On the other hand, they can be dual about sex He can go on and on with it or go on without it. Basically he wants to be serviced. His idea of sex is receiving pleasure from his partner rather than giving it.

Those born with the sign of the scales tend to be bonded to those they love. They cling to their families and value their friends. Their parents hold a high place in their hearts. Never try to compete with his mom or else you’ll be out. He also loves pets. Dogs, cats, fish, hamsters; he’s a softy for animals because he finds unconditional love from them.

When a Libra is angry, he can get very melodramatic. He is prone to exploding fits and can be irate at times. Give him time to relax and find his center. When he is upset, he may tend to be judgmental. Actually Libras are judgy by nature. They like weighing things and determining their value.

Libras are also people who search for balance and harmony. They want stability and peace. And so if they feel that something is causing them discomfort, they will ditch it. They want to be all zen. Libras strive for order and want to feel relaxed all the time.

Signs That a Libra Man Loves You

Libras are romantic lovers. They are sweet and caring when they fall in love. If a Libran has fallen for you, he will be all sweet and romantic with you. He will initiate courtship. He will do things to sweep you off your feet. Candies, flowers, and gifts are his ways of letting you know he loves you. He will bring you on romantic dates and show you that he can be that sweet and special love that you are longing for.

When a man of this sign likes you, he will first start to check and evaluate if the situation is favorable for him. He will want to know more about you so he will ask your friends about you. He wants to know if the two of you compliment each other first. Remember, he is looking for balance and harmony

Libran men are also keen on being a gentleman when he likes a girl. He will open doors for you, be super helpful, and will try to crack jokes when you’re around. He likes to be around your company and also show you a good time. He will treat you like a lady and make you feel beautiful.

Spoiling someone he likes is another thing a Libra Man will do. When he fancies you, he will send you gifts and flowers. He will ask you to dinner or a movie.

He also likes flirting with the girl he likes. He likes those accidental touches and glances. He likes being sweet and all cheeky when he really likes a girl. He will joke around and flirt and throw in hints. He likes the game of making the sparks fly so just flay along with him.

And since Libras are charismatic individuals, be ready when he starts chatting with you for hours and hours on end. He likes to pick your brain and he wants to know what goes on in your head. He will want to converse with you if really likes you. He may spend a lot of time IM-ing you and sending you cute messages.

A man of this sign will also spend a nice time with you if he is interested in you. He will want to hang out with you even for drinks after work or just watching Netflix. He will show up all the time just to enjoy your company.

Librans also like to write poetry for the people they adore. He will write beautiful words for his muse and will read it to you. He may also play music to serenade you.

And because Librans are commitment phoebes, if he commits to you and spends most of his time or a lot of effort on you, it means you have captured his heart. He will spend his money on you. He will get you flowers and gifts.

Finally, one simple sign that a man of Scales loves you is the way he looks at you. If his eyes twinkle by the sight of you, then it means you’ve caught his heart.

How To Make A Libra Guy Fall In Love With You

Libra men are into feminine beauty. They want someone who is elegant and lady-like. They fall for those frilly dresses and charming grace. So if you want a Libra man to notice you, bring out the elegant and classy lady in you. They notice beauty and get attracted by lady-like poise, so be that lady who is fresh and lovely.

But even if he likes beauty and gracefulness, he still wants a woman who has got her act together. Be strong and independent. Show him that you can carry your own weight and he will want you more.

Now men of the scales want to work hard for their price. They believe that anything that they get too easily is not worth their time. So don’t be too available. Be that girl who is worth pursuing; no games just don’t be too easy.

Another trait they want is someone who is very honest. Libra men seek truth and justice. They want someone who doesn’t play games so if you want to keep him or make him love you, speak your truth and never lie.

He doesn’t want to feel lost and he wants to find a partner who makes him feel secure. So be honest about what you want with him. Make him feel that he does not need to fight for you with other men. Make him feel wanted and special.

Aside from adding value to his life, he also wants you to notice his achievements. He wants to date a woman who will show him off or will be proud of him. He wants someone who appreciates him.

When it comes to emotional drama, Librans tend to veer away from those. Be level headed in your conversations with him. Don’t nag and don’t demand. Don’t be needy or clingy; he hates that. Never have a meltdown in front of him.

Show a Libran that you want to promote justice and equality to win his heart. He wants a woman who has morals and ideals. In your discussions with him, argue both sides and don’t play the victim part.

Men of this sign enjoy concerts, dancing, and going out. So if you want to attract a Libra Man, ask him to join you for a fun rave party or concert. Go out and dance salsa together. He will surely see your sultry moves and will want you.

When it comes to sex, Librans prefer women who service him. Spoil him in bed and give him his desires and he will fall madly for you. Listen to his problems after your romp and make him coffee when he is stressed out.

All in all, Libra Men are attracted to women who are both beauty and brains. She must be funny and smart; graceful and independent. His ideal girl is one who is kind yet strong. So show him you are balanced and he will fall for you.

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