Valentine’s Day Love Horoscope

Valentine’s Day is something most people feel giddy about. Singles and couples either love or hate this day because of what it means. This colorful red letter day is about love, feelings, romance and excitement. And the stars have a lot do with it.

Your zodiac sign and your horoscope can predict a lot about the outcome of your Valentine’s Day. The stars alignment does have an impact on the energies affecting you and your love life


For this Valentine’s Day, your energy is strong but is focused towards work and other responsibilities that you may be facing right now. You may have some flirtatious energy though about you where you would like to get to know a person here and there but you don’t feel the need to get into something too serious.

On the other hand, if you are in a relationship, you may be not giving much attention to your partner as of the moment. However, giving them a surprise this Valentine’s day can help recharge your relationship and make it more colorful. Buy them a gift, it’ll help you.


Love beckons you now. Love is calling out to you for a relationship or some form of contact with a person you like, On the other hand, if you are in a relationship, now is the time for you to overcome any issues you are facing. Your love with be stronger and your relationship will survive.

You have had some trying times in your relationships or you may have had troubles in dating or meeting people. However, from this point on till the end of February, the stars are saying for you go follow your heart and jump into the cliff of love. You will find someone or meet someone that you may think you should be cautious about, however at this time, this romance will be rewarding for you.


You have no time to flirt right now. You just want to have a steady and strong relationship. You’re tired of dating and dating people and not finding the one you truly like. You get along with most of the people you meet since you have a very dual nature, however you just want someone to understand you.

On the other hand if you are partnered up, you may be feeling like your relationship is problematic. You are feeling lost in your relationship and you don’t know where it’s going. You need to talk about it and let things clear up. You have to decide if this for the best or not.


For those born under the sign of the crab, love, excitement and flirtations are on full energy now for you. This Valentines day and this year for that matter is the year of love for you. It is time for you take an adventure. Maybe travel to new places and meet someone from another place. You can also go out solo and be brave to introduce yourself first. The love energy runs high in you now so you can be sure that people will be drawn to you.

You may also use this great energy for influencing others be it at work or with friends and family. On the other hand, if you are already in a relationship and feel dreary about it, you may find a new flirtation. You may be looking for excitement to supercharge your relationship. However bring in some caution before replacing your beau with a new flame. You may just be needing to spice up your relationship with your fiery energy now. Take your partner to a new place. Do exciting things together and it may work wonders.


For this V-day, you’re in luck. Valentine’s day will be extra special for you. Love and flirtations and happy emotions buzz around you. That crush of yours may be finally noticing you on this special day and it’s time to make a move. You may also meet someone you will click with so why not try to join a speed dating or single’s event on Valentines and meet someone. You may have been longing for a lover or a bf/gf and now is the time that the sparks will fly for you.

If you are already with someone, then you’re in luck and love is flowing high right now for you. You will have passion and romance on V-day with your partner.


You are lost in reverie. You tend to daydream a lot recently. For the female Virgo, you may have an exciting Day of Hearts this 2019. You are both feeling sexy and romantic at this point. You may feel sparks flying about about around you. You may see a potential serious relationship at this point as well. You are hungry to fulfill your desires and wishes by focusing on WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. At this point, you want to listen to yourself more rather than what others tell you about love. So go listen to your heart and find the romance you desire.

For the male Virgo, however, this time you tend to be serious at work and your focus is far from your relationship but relationships need work too and if you put in the effort, you will rip the benefits of happy romantic life. You tend to think a lot but it’s for the excitement to flow in right now. Romance is for you and you have to embrace it.


For the Librans, many love interests come your way. You have much energy and many prospects surround you. You may have several dates here and there or may connect with many different people even those from the past or online. You may find yourself looking at Tinder to find many matches. You need to spread your wings and check all your prospects. You’re also feeling naughty now and feel the push of desire calling you so just go for it.

On the other hand if you are in a relationship your connections will the stronger and you’ll find your relationship more stable yet romantic.


Right now you are feeling uncertain about things. You are best to consider people you already know when it comes to dating rather than venturing into new prospects. You home team has got your back and they will help you in this matters. If you are married this will be a great time for your marriage as you settle in to a more cozy point of being together and find less and less arguments.

On the other hand, if you have been eyeing a friend as a love interest, and you’re still unsure, this is the time to move forward.


You may be feeling lonely right now if you are single but worry not because you have friends to make you feel happy. If you are in a relationship, it is the time to show loyalty to your mate. You need to show that you are willing to listen and understand and not just fight and argue. If you are still searching for love, this is the time for you to focus your energy on a person who will be with you for the long haul rather than going on hookups.

Look for a person who has the same energy and interests as you as this will allow you to grow as a great team when you settle into a relationship. This will prove beneficial over time.


Capricorns who are married or living together may find some turmoil at this time. You have some tendency to be extra sensitive and a bit defensive at this point. On the other hand, if you let go of being focused on yourself, but rather give way to teamwork and connection, you will your partnership strong and worth fighting for.

On the other hand, if you are single, doing sweet gestures may get you the love that you want. You may want to give out chocolates in the office or school to make people notice you and how sweet you are. You may also ask a friend to tag you along in a group date where they set you up with a common friend. This will really improve your prospects.


As an air sign, you are bound to find find and playfulness this Heart’s day. You are very expressive now and that is a great way to entice someone to like you. Just remember to listen to them when they talk. You may also be lucky in finding an intense connection now as you are full of desirable energy.

When in a relationship expressing your love and plans with your partner may be a good idea at this point. You can also try to do something totally new and exciting together.


For those born under the sign Pisces, it may be time for you to indulge in self love and relaxation. You may have had recently dated and got burned or been working really hard lately and you have forgotten to take care of yourself. You must do that. You need to recharge and take some time off from looking for love. Rest easy and it will come eventually.

For those committed, try to spend more time together at home. Cook together or just Netflix and chill on the couch. You may need the downtime to refuel your soul

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