Text Your Ex Back Review

Course being reviewed: Michael Fiore’s Text Your Ex Back 

Text Your Ex Back 2.0 Ebook cover by Michael Fiore

Text Your Ex Back 2.0 Ebook Cover

Recommended? Yes

When I first heard about Michael Fiore’s text your ex back system and decided to review it, I have to admit that.

I did wonder if it was any good, and if you could really get your ex back just by texting and following his course.

Read on to find out why after purchasing and completing the course I can say that I am very impressed and it provides much more than I expected.

My Review of Text Your Ex Back

Michael Fiore’s text your ex back system is a sophisticated, step by step, easy to use method of getting your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend back or even your ex-wife or husband.

Mike coaches you each step of the way via video and pdf ebook, and reveals not only some amazing psychological tricks to get your ex responding to you and seeing you in a new way, but also helps you to figure out exactly what went wrong with your relationship, how you can address it with your partner and fix it so that when you do get back together you can stay together.

It’s not just a series of well-crafted texts to get your ex to talk to you (although that certainly is a part of it).

Instead, it’s a full course that enables you to:
1. Get your own self-confidence back on track (depressed and powerless is not attractive, and no good for your self-esteem),
2. Effectively analyze why you broke up or divorced and what went wrong
3. Discover or remember all the great things about your past relationship, times, memories, events, etc (needed for the texts)
4. Change the power dynamic between you and your ex to make them receptive to hearing from you (important if you were dumped)
5. Create amazing texts that are laid out for you to customize based on your own personality and relationship.
6. Get back with your ex and create a new, stronger, and better relationship than you had before.

The course exceeded my expectations

I think I was expecting something a bit cheesy and simple, a series of ‘magic texts’ to send and get your ex back, but instead as you can see what you get is relationship coaching and a much more advanced (yet easy to use) and clever text strategy than I could have ever imagined.

Basically whatever response or mood your ex is in when you send that first text, Fiore has a set of specific texts for you that you customize in the way he shows you, with plenty of examples. So whether she or he is sad, angry, happy, or indifferent, you will be shown the series of texts to send and when, so that you can get them to a place where they are willing to talk to you and further on, to get back with you.

Visit Fiore’s Text Your Ex Back

Do you really want your ex back?

Before I continue with this review there are 2 very important questions you must ask yourself:

1) Did your ex abuse you mentally or physically?
2) Do you remember more bad things than good about the relationship?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, please think again about trying to get your ex back, he or she isn’t worth it and it’s time for you to move on or get counseling to help you deal with what happened.

You can also read my article “Should I get back with my ex?” for some helpful info.

The review continues…

Ok so if you are still reading I’m assuming that you have thought about it and are ready to see if you can win your ex back. Before I leap into exactly what is inside the course and how it works, you may be asking the questions can everyone get their ex back using this system? Can I really win my ex back this way?

While so many of the comments in the forum from members and customers of the text your ex back program seem to demonstrate they have got their ex back or be in the process of it, (there is an easy to use forum where you can exchange stories, tips and get feedback and advice), there will always be some people for whom it won’t work because their ex really has moved on, or something similar. What’s interesting is that the people that said this had happened to them also got closure and generally realized that they could now move on too.

Money-back guarantee

Whilst there are no guarantees in love, if there is even a chance that your ex will take you back then this course will make sure you don’t waste it.

Furthermore, Michael does have a 60-day money-back guarantee on his program so you have plenty of time to try it out and see for yourself.

I emailed Fiore’s customer service team to say that I wanted a refund (just to see if they would do it, I didn’t actually accept the refund) and they agreed straight away with no questions asked, so you really don’t have anything to lose.

Summary of the course

Fiore’s course is an excellent get your ex back strategy, presented in an easy and straightforward way, and with a high success rate.  Michael combines his relationship coaching skills, (featured on Rachael Ray’s tv show) personal experience, in-depth knowledge, and tons of feedback from real people to create an excellent way to maximize your chances of getting your ex back and making your relationship stronger than ever, and so if you are keen to take action and do your best to win back your girlfriend or boyfriend, I highly recommend this course.

If you’re keen to learn more about the course from the maker and get started straight away take a look at this video by Mike fiore which explains more.

Start getting your ex back today

If you’d rather know exactly what to expect and what’s inside before you buy, read on for my detailed review below:

What’s actually inside the text your ex back program?

There’s 11 Modules in text, audio and also videos by Michael introducing and explaining each step which I found really reassuring and motivating to listen to.

You can choose to read the modules, or listen to them via an audio file which is great because you can even listen or read the course from your phone, tablet, kindle or PC, or at work (I won’t tell your boss!) and as the pdfs, videos and audio files are all downloadable you can even watch them when you are offline.

Screenshot of members area in Text Your Ex Back

Screenshot of members area in Text Your Ex Back

Module List

Module 1Introduction
Module 2The Dumper and the Dumped – Finding out why you really  broke up

This is essential to figuring out how to get your ex back. What you discover here will later form the part of the texts that you will use to get into your ex’s mind and get them back. This part of the course is excellent because often your girl or boy doesn’t tell you the real reason that they broke up with you, so Michael works through every scenario to helps you figure it out and what you will need to say to get them back.

If you were the one that did the dumping and now regret it this module is also invaluable for you because there is a specific worksheet for people in this position.

He gives you all the different reasons exes say for breaking up and what they really mean e.g the old chestnut “It’s not you, it’s me”

It also deals with situations like if one of you cheated on the other, and why that’s happened. I like the way that Michael differentiates here between the mentality of men and women.

Module 3The Big GoalWhat do you really want, and how are you going to get it?

This module helps you to be honest with yourself about exactly why you want your ex back. You might be thinking that there would only be one reason because you love that person so much and want to be together, but Mike helps you get more honest and specific than that, perhaps you cherish being looked after, or want your children to grow up with both parents getting on well.

Knowing your true reason for wanting your partner back is crucial to getting your ex back successfully and this module makes it surprisingly easy

Next, he helps you to visualize what you would want your relationship to be like in a perfect world. And gives you plenty of examples to inspire you. This allows you to start to understand what you will need to change to make your new relationship with your ex stronger and better. It also encourages you to think about what your ultimate aim for the relationship is, be that kids, traveling together, getting married, growing old together, and so on.

Module 4Flight Check – Are you ready for this?

This module makes sure that you are mentally ready to start texting your ex, and that you will not crack and send the wrong kind of message (don’t worry Michael explains exactly what you should and shouldn’t say, and what to do if you do crack!), but instead learn to harness psychological and practical techniques that will start to make you feel good about yourself and make your ex want you back.

I was impressed by the practical and wise advice given here, and the useful mental exercises to go through, this is so invaluable for anyone who has been through a breakup, and just doing these will start to make you feel better and raise your self-esteem.

This module draws on his own experiences and knowledge as a relationship coach as well as the feedback from the many customers who’ve used his text your ex back program. (This version is actually Text Your Ex Back 2.0 so he has been able to incorporate even more new info based on real life experiences.)

• Module 5Text Judo“Maximum efficiency, minimum effort. Mutual welfare and benefit”

This module is intriguing because you get to understand how Mike’s text weave their way together and set the subtle yet powerful framework for getting your ex back

He breaks down the different steps you will go through with texting, starting from simple text contact, progressing to intimacy booster texts, creating emotional honesty, then reigniting the flame of desire and finally the big goal – connecting in real life and getting back together, or ‘seal the deal’ texts as Fiore calls them.

Here Michael gets you to start thinking and writing down special moments, experiences, connections and positive things about your relationship (all laid out step by step and with tons examples and great questions to help you so its really easy) This will form some of the content of the various texts that you will be instructed to send.

• Module 6 – Across the Bow – Making cool contact

Here’s where things start to get really exciting as you make your plan of attack and get the actual info on what to text your ex, when and how. It outlines what kind of contact you are likely to be having with your ex over the next month or so.

Here you are given formulas for creating casual (but clever!) texts as a way to make contact without seeming desperate or needy but at the same time subtly reminding them of positive associations in your relationship.

What I love about this module is the step-by-step nature of it all, making it so simple to follow something that is very clever and strategic. You are given examples and formulas of what to message them, and also exactly how to respond in the very best way, based on how they respond.

What’s great about the system is it understands that people are different and that you will have to choose different types of texts depending on the responses that you get, and how you would normally speak to your ex and it shows you exactly how to do this. It therefore ensures you don’t sound like some kind of weird robot following a prescribed set of texts!

• Module 7 – Prepping the Soil – Emotionally pull your ex back

Here you learn how to subtly start using emotional language (in the right way!) and memories to crank up the emotional connection and intensity.

There’s some really great (non-cruel!) tricks in here to help you evoke strong positive associations in the mind of your ex partner, which set the scene for the next stage of texting, found in module 8. As before you also have detailed step by step instructions on what to say and how to respond to what they say to you in the very best way.

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• Module 8 – The Green-Eyed Monster – Get sexual attraction going again!

Sexual attraction is key for a good relationship, and this module is all about reigniting that spark.

Jealousy can be a controversial topic as used or experienced in the wrong way jealousy can be a very destructive force, but if used in the right way, it can be a powerful tool to get your ex partner longing for you again. Even in a healthy relationship we usually get our spark of desire relit when we realise that others want our partner, this healthy jealousy helps us to forget familiarity and remember what first attracted us to each other.

Michael shows you how to harness this super effective power to correctly to get your ex back and yet again you are given powerful and proven examples, and you can get feedback from the many people using the course in the comments section below the video.

• Module 9 – Planting the Seeds – For troubled times

This short module is for deepening emotional connections, and allowing you to show your ex that you are there for your them no matter what, particularly helpful if they are going through something difficult at the moment.

• Module 10 – Reaping the Harvest – Get your ex back!

By this point if you’ve been following the system properly then you will be a lot closer to getting your ex back and here is where things start to get powerful and honest.

There are there different section here:

Emotional honesty – often the lack of this or good communication is why couples break up.
Attraction texts – you take what you started in previous modules and start to learn how to send amazingly powerful texts that will not only rekindle old attraction but fuel new feelings as well. These will be a little bit more explicit than before and you will be shown exactly how to create powerful images and scenarios in the mind of your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.
Virtual to physical – If you’ve done everything like you should and your ex is receptive then now is the time to go on real dates and have physical contact, and Mike guides you all the way through to this excellent stage.

Module 11 – Texting Steady – How to keep your girlfriend or boyfriend

By now you’ve rekindled intimacy but you still need to keep things going to build a strong foundation and get your ex back for good. This final module explains what’s next and how to keep the communication just right and the texts flowing correctly.

He also makes sure that you have learned the lessons you need to know in order to make your new relationship strong and healthy, and both of you happy and thriving. Here you also get to see many more comments from users including success stories and support for those still in the process. I found reading these stories to be very powerful and encouraging.

Anything else to know?

There is some homework to do (argh!) but its actually quite fun and very revealing, you will learn so much about yourself and your ex, and specifically the things to say to get them back.

30 day no contact rule – This is not to be cruel, instead its for you so that you get to a calm place, not emotionally volatile, and therefore for you to get your ex back quickly and effectively. It also switches the power dynamic, which is necessary if you’ve been dumped. It also helps you to read through the system properly and not mess anything up by being impulsive.

The only exception is if you do have to speak because you have kids, work together, a pet or are even still sharing a flat or house, or something similar. In this case you keep the communication friendly but simple and leave out the emotion as much as possible for the 30 days.

I find this rule interesting as it’s something I also came up with many years ago in my own life to make sure I was seeing clearly after a breakup.

Specific do’s and don’ts

If you follow the instructions there is no room for error because you are told things like:

  • How often to text
  • Special tricks like it’s not who starts the conversation that counts but who ends it
  • How to make your relationship stronger so you don’t break up again.

Support of others

There’s a comments forum on every page for you to share your situation with other text ex back users and customers, get support, and know that you aren’t the only one going through this. Michael encourages everyone to post and share their story which is really clever as you can begin to feel a bit better straight away. You can also ask specific questions and get feedback. I saw many people who’s ex had just texted them and wanted some advice and other scenarios. This group support is a powerful thing.

Is the Text your ex back system LGBT friendly?
Whilst the relationship examples given seem to imply straight couples, all the techniques will still work perfectly for lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transgender relationships.

Will I get my ex back if I use the text your ex back system?

As I mentioned before there are no guarantees in life and love (but there is a money back guarantee for this course). However if there is a chance and you follow the system properly, then your chances of success are pretty high. BUT as Mike says this is not a magic bullet so read the following first:

Who should NOT use this course?

• Not for you if your ex asked you never to contact him/her again
• Those who have been abused by the ex in question, or were the abuser.
• Lazy people who won’t do the homework

What you WILL need to get back your ex girl or boy

• Some willpower (no breaking the rules set by Mike Fiore!)
• A bit of patience (the whole program can take approx. 2 months to get your ex back)
• A bit of persistence and self belief (e.g. you wont just give up at the first hurdle, prepared to put in effort)
• Honest desire to understand what went wrong in your relationship and willingness to fix it.

Final Review Thoughts

Does it work? If you’re willing to try the steps laid out for you then there is a good chance that you can get your ex back. Loving yourself is important in loving others (might sound trite but its true) and its great to see that this course helps you with that as well.

I wish I had had this system when my heart got broken many years ago by a boyfriend I loved deeply as I truly believe it would have helped me to get him back, instead of the long torturous months I spent trying to be ‘friends’ and secretly (and unsuccessfully) trying to win him back.

Ultimately if you want your ex back and are prepared to put in the effort, this course gives you the best chance possible, showing you not only how to get him or her back but also to create wonderful new relationship together that is stronger, happier and better than before.

Visit Text Your Ex Back Now to Find out More

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